Time has changed!

My often depressed looking cousin was looking more depressed last week. He was wondering around without any purpose. Then open his cupboard, and started searching for something. After a while he was sitting in front of me looking inside in his wallet and counting money inside. I asked why he is so depressed and looking at his wallet in this way.
He said that few weeks back his girl friend’s friend got a latest mobile. I asked that what it has to do with him. He said that after having a look of that mobile, his girl friend is demanding for the same model as a gift on her upcoming birthday. The cell did cost pocket money of my cousin of five months (as he is a mere student so far).
I just tapped on his shoulders (as a person with light pocket is not supposed to more than that) and came out of his room.
So this is the mode of action of our relationships. There was a time when for a beloved a single rose presented with love and sincerity was more than everything. A lover spent couple of nights for writing a letter with a perfect description of the condition of his heart. And then time got changed. Letters were replaced by E-Mails and roses with costly gifts. Relationships develop themselves with a fast pace and they have their own requirement for their continuity .In case of my poor cousin, it is an expensive mobile set.Time has really been changed.
Don't we have to pay for progress?
Take care
My bf and I do not have the system of gifts at all. We do things for each other that really matter. Scrap books, Picture collages... those matter more to us than the expensive gifts.
And we both understand the importance of money and expensive gifts. So its more about understanding between the two than the gift factor.
only some ppl have decided to stick with the wrong..
i've got plenty of frnds who r just fine with not sharing their money with the partners and neither do their partners force them any such expenses... may be i'm in a lucky eniv... may be that's how a cpl should be ... or may be not.. i dunno...
sad about the girlfriend demanding a phone... presents are nice, but love is more than this hey? :)
and abt the post, with simple words you have said what today's 'generation' has become, well what can we say, times change and so do people, now its like you want a girlfriend you gotta have and oil farm or a wealthy dad ;)...
take care and keep writing......
oil farm and wealthy too....
that's wht my cousin can't arrange so i will suggest him to arrange a new girl friend
and i am following your blog rgt away.... also i updated, hope to c ya soon
take care and keep writing....
change is everywhere, i think..
Nice post!
♥ & ((hugs))
my cousin stroy is just a bit from the waste basket that is full of people's materialistic acts.....
i really appreciate taht a day and a rose still count for someone:-)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love having fresh eyes and listening ears.
Please explain to your cousin that love is unconditional. It cannot be measured by how much u spend on someone