Let's express

Sometimes relationship gets complex. You must be saying that what’s new about this very fact I m having right now, as the matter of fact I am not going to deal with any heavy philosophy. I am here just to share my observation about a very strong blood relationship as: relation of a father with his son.
Whom else a father could love more than his son? A son: who shows his blood line, and who will keep alive his name. And who will give him a supporting and caring hand in his old age. The same causes of being in love we can find out at son’s side. Father; the symbol of affection, love, care,and what not. This is a kind of relationship that is considered unbreakable. But still I observe that this very strong relationship remains victim of rude attitude, indifferent behavior and anger showed from both sides.
Being a concerned person (specially being a sister and daughter as well) I tried a lot to dissect this issue so that I could reveal the underneath problem. At first place I ponder upon a father’s characte.A man when comes into the sphere of different rolls like a supporting son, a bossy husband, and a strict father; he suddenly starts behaving like dictator, this very attitude is not always because of his own wish but rather just to secure his family problems arising internally or externally, he put on this attire of strictness.Unfortunaelt, his own son becomes the victim of it most severely. A father loves his son but can’t express because he feels anger for his son’s new ways of living. A father cares his son but can’t express because he has also age for his careless attitude. A father wants to listen his son’s heart but often ignores because his so called ego wants his son to act upon his orders.
On the other hand, a son often idealize his father ,unintentionally, yet opposes his every move by considering it a check on his free living style. A son wants to admire his father’s sacrifice for his family and sheer struggle but cant utter a single word because of a gap that has been created by number of years accompanied with indifference. A son wants to declare that he loves as much his father as his mother, but manly ego always comes and restrict the both parties.
This lack of expression of love, keeps both men tense and their tension prevails in the family, and each member gets affected. I request to all such fathers and sons as well, just forget your manly attitude for a moment and express your hidden love for each other without considering their reputation as bossy father and a egoistic son.
well definitely you are right that being a father he should give some liberty to his son and try to understand and more important to express what he feels.
i wish your thought and effort give a tongue to the close doors of many such hearts who try not to expressed.
take care and keep writing...........
thanks dear for consideration...so you blv the father should only give some liberty :-)
what should i say ''great minds think alike:-)
@Tousif Raza
best of luck sir..and thanks for the consideration..
and thats when we realize...
nicely woven !
complexity is the beauty of life but we must have the key how to make this complex thing easy for us..thanks alot
you did a great job i must say
Read 2 posts now. The previous one shows depth of love which has turned one into being overdependant. This is not right way. Relationship between father and son needs to be of friendly nature once son grows up. There is a famous saying " Once your shoes fit son, he should be treated as friend." Overstrictness can be harmful. As a matter of fact anything over limits can be bad.
Take care