The Sky is the same Everywhere- so said Virginia Woolf

Yes it is same.Even though you have not traveled the whole world; you have not seen the soil color of different fields or tasted the water of strange springs sprouting from remote corners; you can make this claim that "The Sky is the same everywhere". But does the same sky shower the same sort of blessing for every living being? It is another and totally different question. Many, Many (and in fact many) years back when I was small (very small indeed), and used to miss my maternal uncle when he left after spending few holidays with us ; a weird yet effective practice used to heal me in the times of sorrow. I would look at sky and told me rather console myself by thinking that the sky over my head would be the same as the one there over the head of my uncle , so we had something as a connection. Many years later ( though I was still small but not very ) , my mother died. Life changed and the change brought anxiety . A strong uncomfortable feeling did not let ...