Hi! Its me.:-)

I always feel that the extent of care and attention I have been showing towards other, I don’t get the same in return. Very bitter realization! But I started feeling this since the start of my socialization. My easy going attitude could not always earn the same response for me. Believe me, I could have been the victim of this bitter reality but then one day my teacher gave us a very good lecture regarding one’s true self. He says; Just imagine when you communicate or deal with someone, your personality represents letter ’’A’’. And other’s represents letter ‘’B’’.what ever you do, whatever you say, it comes under the qualities of ‘’A ‘and same is the case with the representative of ‘’B’’. The moment you starts behaving under influence of ‘’B’’, the’’ A’’ starts losing its identity. Supposed if B is not sincere and A also reduce the level of sincerity .This very attitude makes A to behave like B and eventually another B emerges on the ashes of A . So be yourself regardl...