What is meant by an “Ideal’’?

I am a 24 years old girl .I have spent an ample time in the company of my own gender. I invested considerable time in making rumors about others, in discussing different ,so called ,important feminine matters; and in doing catharsis of yet to be fulfilled dreams .the most burning issue of any female gathering (where all girls single preferably) is to discuss about one’s ideal partner.

By the way, I myself don’t know what is really meant by this word ideal. As per my observation and the time I killed during such useless debate, an ideal partner for a girl is guy with handsome look, with100 percent IQ level, with ample confident and attractive sound financial and academic background. The percentage of different qualities may vary from one girl to other yet the overall sketch remains same. Only few fractions of girl may be able to find out their true ideal, infact these little fractions just itself don’t know whether the respective partner deserved to be called an ideal partner, still their pretentions make other think that they have succeeded in achieving their goal. And rest folk just keep on wondering here and there in the search of true hero.

In this everlasting quest, daughters of eve should keep one thing in view that if they are in the search of an ideal being the same is the case with Adam’s sons. They themselves want something really best. And in this quest of finding something best, feelings, emotions and true love start losing their essence.

What I believe that this mater of ideal is not dependent upon the how much you are impressed from other’s positive qualities rather it depends upon how much you feel acceptance for his negative qualities. If the graph of this acceptance touches its peak then it is clear that you are in love with that person and u have found your ideal.


Old Monk said…
Nice one as usual. Everyone has certain dreams about how one's partners must be. But remember that life will be happy only if we are ready to accept the one you get as he\she is. Its all about adjustments. And mind it....never expect 100%.
Tabitha Bird said…
Great post. So true. sometime acceptance of the negative is more important than the love of the positive. We are all imperfect after all.
el_idioto said…
mater of ideal is not dependent upon the how much you are impressed from other’s positive qualities rather it depends upon how much you feel acceptance for his negative qualities.

this was the ideal of the whole post... well thought i must say
Thousif Raza said…
a true to heart post.... you can call it an idiots guide to loved post... cool

take care and keep writing.......
Anonymous said…
Very beautifully stated :)

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Manish Raj said…

I think it's first time, I am reading your blog. I am very very impressed with your plain and sensible writing.

Have added you in my favorites.

"...accpeting negative part..." is the key. This is where from you come over and happiness starts.

Best Wishes
Unknown said…
I have read few of your articles over here and you write very well. they are true thoughts it reflects your insight
S.A.L. said…
Nice post. I think the sooner a girl understands that the "Ideal" may be just a "fantasy", the better for her to accept the reality and live to the fullest with what she has got.

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