A happy Start

In the very start of the newly arrived year,we planned a warm picnic in such a cold winter.
First time visited the only Safari Park of Lahore.This happy start and relaxed start of the year is surely a good omen for the upcoming days.


Thousif Raza said…
nice :) wish ya good luck :)

take care and keep writing.,,................
Kathe W. said…
wow- lovely photos! Thanks for your nice comments on my blog
Happy New Year!
Arooj said…
@ Tousif & @ Kathew
thanks for the kind words
Jill Zaheer said…
What beautiful pictures from the Safari Park in Lahore. Thanks so much for visiting and commenting on my blog. Always wonderful to meet someone new through a post. Wishing you a wonderful new year and look forward to stopping by again to hear "your voice!" Best Jill
Rachna said…
Nice photos. We have a National Park close to our house, and I remember seeing a white tiger there just like your picture. Never been to Lahore but I've heard wonderful things about the city.
dr.antony said…
Is it a natural reserve? How large is the area?
Have a wonderful New Year.
Saumya said…
Wow, those pictures are beautiful. I am so jealous :) Thank you for commenting on my blog. I'm glad your husband helped you get into blogging...I hope that you keep writing!
Arooj said…
@ Dr.Antony
no its not a natural reserve rather some animal have been brought her and a large jungle sort of place have been built.
Arooj said…
@ Dr.Antony
no its not a natural reserve rather some animal have been brought her and a large jungle sort of place have been built.
Bikram said…
Oh wow.. lovely pic and look at that Tiger and the awesome LION .. king of the jungle
and they look so healthy... Wow

lovely pictures ..


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