Death Chases

Even at our birth, death does but stand aside a little. And every day he looks towards us and muses somewhat to himself whether that day or the next he will draw nigh.

Robert Bolt


Thousif Raza said…
its true... but why suddenly this at Christmas time? haan????

take care and keep writing..........
Arooj said…
one of my close reletives died few weeks back..since then the word death was haunting me...maybe this is the reason...
Thousif Raza said…
so sorry to hear it yaar.... death has its impact, ask me who lost the best friend of his life-my sister

ah death...., may you find peace soon

take care man....
Jack said…
H M,

Visiting after a gap as my PC was not working. I am now trying to catch up with all I missed. Read 2 posts now. How was the interview? I am sure you must have done very well. In this you have stated fact of life.

Looking for your views in my space.

Take care
Fareed said…
Without death, the escapism in literal sense wouldn't have existed. Its just that '.' a period.

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