Endearing Remnants

Where is my knife? You know I can’t use any other thing for cutting these vegetables. My mother would shout like this whenever she could not be able to find an old knife (that more looked like a dagger) while working in kitchen.Infact that knife has a complete history. My mother used to say that that knife was a production of her grandfather (maternal) ‘s genius mind, when he was in Kenya .My mother would add more spice to her narration by saying that he used to build home with wood and live near a wild forest for gathering timber. During His stay, he made this knife for himself and then it handed down in mother 's family.My mother eventually had this Family monument. We got so amazed by listening this story as it was astonishing for us ‘’The journey of a knife from Kenya to Pakistan.

Then my mother had another antique dresser ( a sort of) which has an embellished and emotional history. My mother was very dear to her grandfather (paternal).She spent her childhood in his company and listened his stories about British India. He said that he purchased this dresser from a British officer while he was leaving for Britain at the time of partition.

These are two monuments of my home very dear to my Mother. This month it has been 5 years since she left us (physically).People departed and left their lovely belongings behind and a lot of memories.May her soul rest in peace.(Ameen).

I don’t know whom among we three siblings will claim for having these monuments. We haven’t decided yet.:-)


Christopher said…
This reminds me of when my grandpa would tell me about how he was so poor when he was a kid they had to power their radio by candlelight.
WritingsForLife said…
I am sure she still lives near all of your hearts :-)
Arooj said…
yup we feel so

@ Christopher
sometime a totally irrelevant things reminds us something happened in past.
Iriz said…
you know mothers always have stories that they will tell you hundred times, you could memorize it well. haha.

love this post! have a great day!
MuddassirShah said…
Hey HeavenlyMuse,
Sorry to hear about ur loss, I for one have seen my friends without Mothers.
A very apt title - Remnants, Sirf Yaadein rehjaati hai, bas yaadein Rehjaati hai.

May Almighty bless you with all courage and guidance & help you make your mother feel proud of having borne you :O))
Jack said…
H M,

Caught up with all pending posts now. I sincerely pray that such catastrophe does not take place again ever. Try not to feel under-confident and build up your courage to speak up your mind. It is true one should not indulge in unnecessary debates. Colours do speak of one's inner feelings. Do decide on her heritage items as these are something beyond value. She is blessing you all from heaven. I too have 4 embroideries made by my DADIJI before I was born and I am now 65. I cherish these.

Take care
Arooj said…
yup ,i almost remember every word uttered by her
rainboy said…
some things are priceless
I like the dresser

take care
Arooj said…
@ RAinbow
Kathe W. said…
ah- there is nothing like yur Mother. My Mother passed away 24 years ago this month- I will always miss her- I too have some monuments of my Mother's life passed down to me. This is a lovely post of yours and thank you for your nice comment on mine.
Unknown said…
Very nice she is surely resting in peace in the heaven & who knows must be dancing in joy after reading your emotions.
She is in the custody of Allah. Allah is taking care of all her small & big things. You absolutely need not to worry.

A song dedicated to your blog post

Nagme hain, shikwe hain
Kisse hain, baatein hain) - 2
Baatein bhool jaati hain
Yaadein yaad aati hain) - 2
Yeh yaadein kisi dil-o-jaanam ke
Chal jaane ke baad aati hain
Covnitkepr1 said…
Memories...memories...I still have and use my mother's butcher knife. It's so worn down, I could do better with a new one, but just keep on using it instead.

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