Lone Outsider

We all live in a form of groups. We know each other’s names. We keep on serving others and expect the same in return. Sometimes we ask for help and sometime we are asked for help. The extent of affection, kindness and consideration depends upon the type of relationship we mutually have. We are all related to each other. We are attached to each other. But still every soul is alone standing in the crowd of people apparently involved in each other’s affairs. Every human being is living his/her life at two levels: one for him/her self and other for the world around. In order to satisfy the world around we keep on suppressing the demands of our own self. Rather we keep on drawing us away from our real self. Then the moment comes that discrepancy increased between the face we show towards world and the face we are born with. And we feel stuck between two entirely unlike behaviors. The world keep on demanding new and new faces with diverse attitudes regardless what’s going on in the heart beating somewhere behind this artificial face specially conceived for world? And then the moment comes that we lose both our real face and the artificial one as well. We try to nourish branches while roots start witling. World starts treating us lone outsider and we also become a stranger in our own terrain. Have you people ever suffered with this curse of dual personality?


Unknown said…
I could pretend with what I feel but not with who i am. Dual personality? According to my pychologist friend, we might have split personalities. Let say you're jolly at work but gloomy at home. It might be because of the environment and the people around. They said it could be acceptable to have dual personalities but not CHANGING YOUR HISTORY. Like you're a rich kid at school, just to fit into a crowd, then back at home you embrace the reality that you're living a simple life. That requires fabricated stories and convincing dramas.

Just be who you are and have a peaceful heart and mind.

Another no nonsense post of yours, keep it up! :)
Arooj said…
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Arooj said…
@ iriz
thanks for ur detailed consideration...
rainboy said…
all i can say is never lose hope and try to do what you love .

tc n thanks for visiting
SandyCarlson said…
I try to be true to myself and find ways to live compatibly with the world. I have spent too many years being a slave to others' demands.
Jack said…
H M,

Nice depiction of today's life. How nice it would be if we all could be what we are instead of putting on false front.

Take care
PRIDE said…
i don't refer dualism evil or a curse but do abhor the foxing theory of mankind which today at times seem inevitable..nice post!!

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