Ultimate suffering

"Nothing begins, and nothing ends, That is not paid with moan; For we are born in others pain And perish in our own."


Jack said…
H M,

Read 3 posts. I had tried to post my comment on Man & Woman one but it was not accepted. It is so true. Cricket, I agree let innocence play instead of getting into mischief. Pain, again very true.

Take care
SandyCarlson said…
This is true and sad. And yet life is beautiful.
Arooj said…
@ jack
thanks for ur ample consideration
@ raaji
yup....pain always arouses a sigh
@ sandy
thanks for u visit....
Anonymous said…
so truthful . . .
Unknown said…
it's when we grow up that we learn life is not a fairy tale. It may start with 'once upon a time' but not always end with 'and they live happily ever after'.

i agree. such a trance we have to wake ourselves into reality.

nice post heavenly muse!
Iriz said…
oops sorry, this one must for the recent post, my mistake.lol.

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