Wicked Love

He entered my life.....i don't know how.....he blockedy My veiw......he started
devouring my feelings.....emotions.....,,he dictated my desires,my dreams,and hope......he discarded my orginal self ...and redesgined me according to his own planning........then a moment came ..whem my flesh lost its softness,my blood lost its flow,my breath got stilfled.............i become mechanical puppet who behaved on single notion of loVe.......and my beloved started
controling me ..according to his solo willl.....and then....i forgot who i was...where i belonged to.....and where i m supposed to go....thn.....my Beloved came and said........
'''we cant get along dear...you are Hollow Inside....''


http://itechnoguru.blogspot.com [:D] http://imissuforever.blogspot.com [:D] http://www.somebeautifulmoments.blogspot.com [:D]

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